
Istražite bogatu lepezu značajki u našem naprednom sustavu online rezervacija osmišljenom da pojednostavi proces rezervacija i unaprijedi iskustvo vaših pacijenata

Rezervacija Više Usluga Odjednom

Ova značajka omogućuje vašim pacjentima da rezerviraju više od jedne usluge odjednom.

Neograničen broj lokacija

Možete kreirati onoliko lokacija koliko želite i dodijeliti iste usluge različitim lokacijama i djelatnicima.

Uvjetno postavljene cijene

Prilagodite cijene na temelju specifičnih uvjeta i kreirajte dinamičke strategije cijena prilagođene vašem poslovanju.


The Coupons module offers you a powerful way to incentivize your customers and keep them coming back for more.


The Gift Card module offers a way to incentivize your customers to buy your service as a present to their closest ones.

Waiting List

This module allows your customers to join the waiting list when the time slot is busy & helps businesses manage peak periods.

Whatsapp & SMS Reminders

Send instant SMS and WhatsApp notifications about the status of appointments.

Google Calendar

If you're used to Google Calendar, now you can effectively manage your schedule with a shared calendar.

User Role Manager

This module empowers you to create custom roles with specific permissions and assign them to your staff members.

Deposit Payments

Request up-front payments to secure against unexpected events like cancellations or no-shows.


This module allows you to offer extra services to your customer during the appointment process.

Customer Panel

Allow customers to manage their appointments and customer profiles via front-end customer panel

Custom Booking Forms

Customize your booking process to cater to specific customer needs, ensuring a smoother experience for all.

Email Notifications

Send emails to customer on appoints' approval, time change, payment confirmation etc.


Automate every action related to your Appointments and build unique business processes.

Payment links for appointments

Create and send payment links for appointments to your customers, ensuring timely payments.

Group Appointment

This module allows scheduling with multiple participants, optimizing slot availability and resource allocation.

Local Payments

This feature enables customers to make payments directly at the location of their appointment.

Bring People with You

Provide customers with the flexibility to bring more people with them to the same appointment.

Recurring Appointments

This feature lets customers automatically schedule recurring appointments at defined intervals.

Reporting Module

Anaylze the effectiveness of business operations by location, staff, services, and their earnings.

Neka Sustav Radi Umjesto Vas

Jednostavno upravljajte rezervacijama, smanjite nepojavljivanje pacijenata i unaprijedite iskustvo vaših pacijenata – sve na jednoj intuitivnoj platformi.