Multi-booking feature

Multi-Booking feature allows your customers to book more than one or more specific services in a single process. Although this functionality is intended for multiple service appointments, the logic behind this feature can be applied to broad-spectrum fields. This feature will enable your business to enhance at a large scale.

More about this feature:


Multi-booking also will be more user-friendly and enjoyable for the customers. After selecting the service, customers will be prompted with the cart step. Customers will be able to view their final bookable appointments and add or delete the specific items.

Know your customer procedure

Multi-booking feature gives opportunities for your customers to book an appointment for multiple individuals and services. Unlike any other Booking platform, which only consists of quantity for multiple appointment bookings, Bookinger supports full KYC (know your customer) procedure, thus enabling your business to enhance at a large scale.

Multi-booking feature

So every customer can select multiple services, multiple staff, and multiple dates in a single booking session.

A powerful set-and-forget booking calendar for your business

Effortlessly manage appointments, reduce no-shows, and elevate your client experience – all in one intuitive platform.